Da mir neulich einige Ideen gekommen sind, was man noch so in Minecraft hinzufügen könnte, dachte ich mir jetzt mal, öffnen nen Thread dazu naja haut ihr mal eure Ideen in die Kommentare, und hier sind meine:
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- Unterwasserpflanzen
- Seerosenblüten
- Mehr Erze, z. B. Kupfer, und Edelsteine (Rubin, Saphir, Topas, Amethyst usw.)
- Seltene fliegende Inseln auf Höhe 200 oder so, mit verschiedenen Dungeons darauf (z. B. als Turm, Höhle usw., mit eigenen Mobs/Boss, und Loot)
- Mehr Treppen und Stufen (Slabs), z. B. Granit, Diorit, Andesit, Glas, Diablöcke uns co., usw.
- Irgendwas, was man mit Edelsteinen anfangen könnte, und natürlich Blöcke daraus
- Spezielle Erze in Andesit, Diorit und Granit
- Die Möglichkeit, aus Kohle Diamanten zu pressen (unter hohem Kohleverbrauch natürlich)
- Mehr kompakte Redstone-Schaltkreise
- Nether interessanter machen:
- Mehr verschiedene Erze
- Quarz-Dungeons im Nether (möglw. mit eigenem Boss bzw. Mobs, und Loot)
- Netherpflanzen, Knochenblock-Skelette
- Vielleicht auch sowas wie Nether-Biome, also verschiedene Gebiete mit besonderen Merkmalen (z. B. mehr "Grünzeug", oder mehr "fliegende" Inseln)
- Ende interessanter machen:
- Erze?
- Höhlen?
- Blumen?
- Mehr besondere Rare-Drops für Monster (Enderaugen von Endermen z. B.?)
- Vielleicht auch bessere Möglichkeiten für Einrichtungsgegenstände (wobei man mit den jetzigen Mitteln schon gut was schafft)
- Falltüren, Bücherregale usw. aus verschiedenen Hölzern
- Trichter, die nach oben führen
- Mehr Verwendungszwecke für bestimmte Materialien (z. B. Obsidian)
- Höhlenpflanzen
- Themenhöhlen, z. B. Eishöhlen im Schneegebiet, besonders bewachsene im Dschungel
- Mehr kleine Verstecke mit Kisten, z. B. Unter Wüstenbrunnen manchmal ne Kiste, oder mal n kleines Zelt, oder n Lager in ner Höhle
- Die Möglichkeit, 2x2-Eichen zu machen, und z. B. aus 2x2 Akazien diese Dicken Bäume zu mache, die Wasser speichern (heißen die Baobab?)
- Extreme Berge sollten bergiger wirken, und Flüsse sollen sich besser durch die Landschaft schneiden
- Neue Biome wie Mischwald mit Tannen, oder Buschland (Ebene mit vielen kleinen Sträuchern)
- Mehr Mobvarianten (z. B. andere Spinnen im Dschungel usw.)
- Evtl. auch als Ausrüstungsgegenstände verschiedene Ringe, z. B. einer gegen den Withereffekt als Raredrop des Withers oder so, schnellere Schwertregeneration, Fallbremse (weniger Fallschaden),etwas mehr Glück beim Minen und Mobs klatschen (Plünderung), usw.
- Herstellbare Kettenrüstung
- Gerät zum Zerstören von Blöcken, z. B. Stein -> Bruchstein -> Kies, Holztreppe -> Sticks, usw.
- Mehr fällt mir erstmal net ein xD (Das Taggen klappt wohl am Handy net so...)
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More Gems (in all dimensions)
This may have been already suggested several times, but I'm sure mine is a little different
So, basically it's about adding gems like rubys, topazes, sapphires, amethysts, and maybe more (emeralds are already in the game) (maybe rare pink diamonds too? Maybe I'll make / I've made another post about that).
But I think they shouldn't just be randomly generated in the overworld. I thought about rubys being generated in the Nether, because there's already everything red, so you can't find them too easy, and topazes in the end, because of the yellowish color of endstone.
You should also be able to craft blocks from them like emerald blocks.
Also, letting them have different rarities allows for extended trading with villagers (eg 1 amethyst is worth 9 or less emeralds, 1 sapphire is 5 amethysts, ...) -> more expensive things to buy!
This list is open end (kinda), as there surely arear more things you could do with gems (I also thought about having rings with effects, where gems could be used together with rare stuff, but that's not part of this idea).
If you find spelling mistakes, keep them, english is not my native language
Rare pink diamonds
The title already says everything: The Idea is to generate pink diamonds, which are less common than normal diamonds. Maybe let them replace normal diamond ore at a chance of 1/10? They could be used for pink diamond blocks, maybe pink diamond pickaxes with increased durability or increased speed (like gold pickaxes are faster than diamond ones). Also, they could spawn as rare loot in some chests.
If you find spelling mistakes, keep them, english is not my native language
Underwater plants
This may have been suggestes many times, but I think this would be a nice addition to the quite empty oceans. I thougt of some plants similar to chorus plants but in green, and also some grass-like. Feel free to add more
If you find spelling mistakes, keep them, english is not my native language
Lily pad flowers
So, we already have lily pads, but I think they are missing something... yes, flowers! This new flowered lily pad (not the best name, I know) should look like a lily pad with a flower in its middle sticking out. This would bring some more colors to the swamp biomes.
Make the nether more interesting (ores, plants, ...)
Although the nether has been updated some times, there's still not much to get from there... or not enough So I have the following Ideas:
More ores:
Currently, there's only quartz. As maybe suggested elsewhere, you could also be able to find rubys, they are a bit harder to find because there is already everything red. And what about something similar to lapis lazuli, but in purple (-> purpley dye)? Maybe you have more ideas for useful ores.
I honestly don't have Ideas how plants could look, but there could be at least some. Maybe a type of red grass, and red vines? I thought about some kind of glowing mushrooms (yes, I played too much BotW, but I think I've already seen that elsewhere).
New types of structure:
The quartz dungeon: It maybe won't be as big as nether fortresses, but also less common. They are made out of the different quartz blocks, and have one main big room, a hallway leading to it, and next to the hallway two smaller rooms (maybe even more different, but I don't have enough ideas now). The big room has some kind of boss, maybe just an oversized magma cube or something new. In chests you can find quartz, diamonds, gold, but also magma cream, blazerods, and maybe even more.
Fossils could also spawn here, maybe sticking out of the big lava lakes? Of course then only made out of bone blocks.
Maybe nether biomes?
These could include one with more flying islands (not so open landscape over lava lakes), another more netherplants, one more lava flowing around.
Post your ideas about that in the comments below
If you find spelling mistakes, keep them, english is not my native language
Make the end more interesting (ores, plants, ...)
Well, the end is some kind of place where one wouldn't like to live. But there are still some tweakable things, because it's not very interesting for only-miners.
More ores:
As maybe suggested elsewhere, you could also be able to find topazes, they are a bit harder to find because there is already everything yellowish. Also some other ore, not sure if ender ore is fitting though Maybe you have more ideas for useful ores.
More plants:
Yes, there are chorus plants, but these are the only type of plant there. There could be purple grass, and that's already where my Ideas end for plants (post comments below )
The overworld has them, the nether has them, so why not the end? Maybe having lesser caves than elsewhere, because it already is very open, but that could be a way to quickly find some new ores.
Create obsidian patches...
... in the outer islands. Because they are only made out of endstone - yet. Or at least have some kind of reference to obsidian there.