Gestern wurde ein neuer Snapshot veröffentlicht mit einem neuen Mob: Bienen welche Honig und Bienenwaben herstellen. Honig wird bisher getrunken und füllt den Hunger auf. Bienenwaben werden für den Bau von Bienenstöcken verwendet.
Zudem wurden noch Bienennester und Bienenstöcke hinzugefügt. Ein Bienennest tritt natürlich auf.
Zu all diesen Neuheiten wurden Werfer aktualisiert. Artikel
Alles anzeigenBEE/Biene
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We’re buzzing with excitement!
Can someone tell Cory to stop making bee puns now?
- Bees are cute, fuzzy, neutral mobs
- Don’t hurt them, they don’t want to hurt you
- If a bee does sting you, it will leave its stinger in you and eventually die, dropping nothing
- Bees love pretty flowers and spend their lives gathering pollen from them
- After gathering pollen, bees fly back to their home nest
- Bees help you by growing crops while carrying pollen back to the nest
- Bees can be bred using flowers
- Bees like sharing the location of their favorite flowers with other bees
- If a bee can't find nectar, after a while it will return home for a bit
- If a bee doesn’t have a home nest, it will wander around until it finds one it can use
- Bees don’t like the rain and they sleep at night. They will go back to the nest in these cases
BEE NESTS / BEE HIVES/Bienennester / BienenstöckeSpoiler anzeigen
In real life, bees dance in their nests to show other bees where flowers are!
- Bee Nests spawn naturally in Flower Forests, Plains, and Sunflower Plains biomes
- When a bee visits this block and completes its journey undisturbed, the level of honey increases
- Max of 5 levels of honey
- Level 5 is quite…sticky
- Bees use nests and hives to share flower locations with other bees
- Sometimes bees that already know about a flower will choose not to use this information
- Bee Hives are crafted by players using honeycomb and wood planks
- Use a silk touch tool to get the block with the bees stored inside
- Bee Nests will be destroyed unless you use silk touch
- Use shears when at full honey to get honeycomb
- Use a bottle when at full honey to get a honey bottle
- Campfire smoke calms bees - place one underneath the nest / hive to keep them in chill mode
- Redstone-friendly!
- Bees like Bee Nests and Bee Hives the same amount! They don’t play favorites
- Added the Honey Bottle!
HONEY BOTTLE/HonigflascheSpoiler anzeigen
Organic, gluten-free, delicious locally-farmed honey!
- Use an empty glass bottle on a hive or nest that is full of honey to get a bottle of honey!
- Drink it!
- ???
- Profit!
- Oh yeah, also craft it into sugar!
- Added Honeycomb!
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Disclaimer: Cannot be used to comb your hair
- Shear a full-honey hive or nest to obtain
- Craft with wood planks to create a Bee Hive
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- Dispensers can now fill bottles with water and honey
- Dispensers can now shear honey combs from Bee Nests and Hives
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